Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Respecting the Planet With Sustainable Consumption and Production Essay

Respecting the Planet With Sustainable Consumption and Production - Essay Example This strategy has been formulated in acknowledgement of the government's responsibility of "respecting the limits of the planet's environment, resources and biodiversity" and launched through the publication of Securing the Future: Delivering UK Sustainable Development Strategy (2005). There are four definite strategic priorities that the government has decided upon, namely sustainable consumption and production, climate change, natural resource protection, and sustainable communities. The way the government deals with its priorities would be a decisive factor in determining whether we are, in fact, respecting the limits of the planet's environment, resources and biodiversity. The UK government is talking of a "one planet economy" when it comes to its strategies for sustainable consumption and production. Securing the Future relates the fact that the environmental effects of increasing global consumption and production patterns are adverse to the point of severity. Moreover, trade liberalization has got to be promoted and supported internationally, along with environmental protection and sustainable development to help the developing nations of our world. ... another need expressed through the new strategy is to raise people's awareness of social and environmental issues so that all citizens and consumers would hold themselves responsible for respecting the limits of the planet's environment, resources and biodiversity.In detail, the strategy for sustainable consumption and production involves seven concerns. First, it is crucial at this point in time that we engage in the augmentation of UK and international measures to improve the environmental performance of goods and services. This includes an enhancement of product design. Second, resource efficiency must be improved with renewed commitment. Waste must be reduced in addition to harmful emissions across business sectors. The Business Resource Efficiency and Waste (BREW) program is an aid and a means to achieve our goal. Third, the government would like to influence the consumption patterns of people across the world so as to respect the limits of the planet's environment, resources an d biodiversity. This strategy includes the issue of proposals for new advice - with latest facts - for consumers. Fourth, the UK government would like new commitments on sustainable procurement in the public sector. This is to make the United Kingdom a leader within the European Union by the year 2009. Fifth, the government plans to provide as much support as required for innovation to introduce new goods, materials, and services. Sixth, the UK government would like to strengthen its partnerships with key business sectors, that is, food, environmental industries, transport, tourism, retailers, and the construction industries. Lastly, the government aims to review its waste strategy with greater stress on moderating waste at source and making use of the waste as a

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